Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Issue: Social Anxiety


Social Anxiety is the fear of social situations and interaction with other people that automatically bring on ones feelings of self-consciousness, judgement, evaluation, and criticism which can be judged and evaluated negatively by other people, leading to feelings of inadequacy, inferiority, embarrassment, humiliation, and depression.

From my understanding millions of people across the globe have suffered from social anxiety and some continue to suffer from the disorder today. Today many of my close relatives still suffer from social anxiety and are embarrassed to step foot from out of their houses from events that have to them ruined there lives. Even though there are still people who say social anxiety is just a fear that can be overcome just like that, there is still more to it. In my blog I am going to show you that social anxiety is a big medical issue that people should pay more attention towards and not take lightly. Also, how it's past can still affect the present day we live in.


  1. Gavin. Do you think that I have social anxiety?

  2. Oh yeah what type of people has social anixety other that Abe Lincoln? And is true that Abe Lincoln has social anxiety?

    1. Luis, anybody can get social anxiety just look at the characteristics at the top, and yes Abe Lincoln was going through some social anxiety when the certain events occurred.

  3. I agree with this article. For instance a lot of people say that they would rather be in the one in the casket at the funeral, then be the one speaking. I agree that a lot of people have a lot that they want to say and be heard, but their social anxiety takes over. I can relate because I used to be very shy and quiet, but now I have burst out of my shell.

  4. I agree with the article as well as Asjah because I used to be the same way

  5. Well, I never heard about social anxiety. But embarrassment and humiliation are things that happen everyday and it doesnt seem like too much of a big deal.

  6. This makes a lot of sense. I feel this often but just never had a name for it.

  7. Explain to me why would you focus up on an issue like this.
