Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Past and Present: Abraham Lincoln


Past: Abraham Lincoln is famously depicted as somber and serious in photographs and descriptions of him throughout history. Lincoln  been through many loses from his mother and sister to one of his two children passing away. Thus, due to his lack of social upbringing and education, it manifested into a deep social anxiety. But although he was suffering from this disorder he managed to hide it while in his presidency to show he was strong and not weak from this disorder.

Present: In the 21st century many still look to overcome their social anxiety so they can stop the emotional torturous feeling they feel everyday. So when they look back at the fact our sixteenth president of the united states suffered from the same disorder they look at it as a motivation to overcome it just like he did and make a better living for themselves.


  1. I like the comparison, because even though he had a speach problem he became known as one of the most famous presidents with many historicle speaches like Gettysburge adress.

  2. Yes i agree, because like they said history repeats itself.

  3. I'm glad that you did an insight on historical people and anxiety, I guess as citizens we overlook people because of the position they hold; but in reality they are humans like us. I also think that more people should be aware of anxiety, it's better now than never.
